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Your giving is what enables St Margaret’s in all its services and work in the community. Everything that happens here is carried by the prayers, volunteering and giving of our congregation. 

Giving – in gifts and acts of service – is at the heart of all we do as a church, but all the gifts we receive are hugely appreciated and make a difference.​


You can give one-off donation via this link.



Monthly giving is vital to our mission as it enables us to plan for the future.

To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with St Margaret’s bank account details:

Parochial Church Council St Margaret’s Putney
Account Number: 96803487
Sort Code: 60-17-11

Quote reference as: your first name and surname

​Once you have set up or amended your standing order, please email us so we can identify your gift and thank you.



​You can give by cash or cheque or set up a new standing order at any Sunday service by using a giving envelope and adding it to the offering.   

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider filling in the Gift Aid declaration on the envelope to make your gift go even further.

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